Let’s Make India HIV free: Ask IRA
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Did you know there are 2.01 million people still in India who live with HIV, or that there are about 80,000 people who get infected every year?

Not to mention the overall stigma & prejudice associated with the condition which marginalizes the infected and the lack of information that perpetuates all of these.  Bad news, indeed.

Good news, however, is that HIV is preventable, manageable and a lot of it is just to do with providing people the right information with sensitivity and tact at the right time!

So, Let’s educate and spread awareness about this disease.

As knowledge is the first step towards a world without AIDS.

What is HIV?

HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a virus that is known to weaken the body’s immune system.

If diagnosed early, managing HIV is possible. If left untreated for years however, the body gradually loses its power to fight against infections and diseases.

Getting tested early and a regular compliant regime of treatment is key to winning HIV.

Are HIV and AIDS the same?

This is a very common query and doubt which many have.

HIV is a virus which may or may not show symptoms whereas, AIDS ( Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome )  is the advanced stage of HIV which has multiple symptoms that occur because of lack of proper treatment and multiple infections.

Timely treatment can help stop HIV from progressing to AIDS. The good news is,  revolutionary ART (antiretroviral therapy) treatment has helped HIV infected people to live long and productive lives with reduced risk of infecting others.

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How does HIV spread?

One can get infected with HIV only when infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions enter your body.

These are the routes of transmission:

  • HIV can be transmitted by unprotected sex – anal, vaginal and oral.
  • HIV can be transmitted by sharing needles.
  • From blood transfusion
  • During pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding: An infected mother can also pass HIV to her child too.

Under the supervision of Health care providers and with ART, the chances of transmission could be prevented.

PC: Adobestock

How HIV doesn’t spread?

HIV doesn’t spread via ordinary social contact; for example by shaking hands, traveling in the same bus, eating from the same utensils, by hugging or social kissing etc.

Also Read: All you need to know about Zika Virus

Introducing IRA

IRA is a conversational platform where people can seek answers to their pressing HIV/AIDS queries. She was created to help people gain information about HIV and motivate people to manage HIV responsibly. She is friendly and chatty and wants the world to be free of HIV.

IRA will be available on the yes4me website. Anyone with an internet connection can access IRA which makes her a powerful ally in the fight against HIV.


Because of the stigma surrounding HIV, people can visit the IRA from the security of their own home and seek answers to urgent questions without facing any of the discrimination that they would face anywhere else.

With IRA by their side, millions of Indians will be able to find the right information at the right time and thus solve the root cause that perpetuates HIV.

Let’s join hands to make India HIV/AIDS-free.

They say some questions are best left unanswered. Not when it comes to HIV.

Ask IRA your questions about HIV/AIDS at https://yes4me.net/IRA now.

We would love to hear back from you as your feedback makes IRA better!

*Disclaimer: Sponsored post. The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not meant to be a replacement for a doctor consultation, nor is it a medical recommendation or prescription of treatment.

Hi, I am Jenifer Sayyed, Doctor by profession and Blogger by passion. Realistic with a bit of Optimism. Here you can find Everything & All that matters to you. This Lifestyle Blog is about everything "Shaandaar"

11 thoughts on “Let’s Make India HIV free: Ask IRA

  1. This is a wonderful step towards AIDS awareness..its time to stop believing in myths and have the facts cleared..

  2. IRA is a very commendable initiative and is something that is really required. So many myths about HIV/AIDS proliferate and this is an excellent forum to get all doubts clarified.

  3. This is a great initiative, glad to know about IRA. This will help so many people with their queries.

  4. That’s really a great and wonderful initiative by them for the awareness of HIV for everyone.

  5. Still we feel bad while asking for HIV related things but it’s going to spread the awareness. People atleast can ask questions here.

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